Kirche am Hof (EN): Church am Hof: Church of Angels and Croatians

Geschrieben am 18.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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<< Schotten <<  | << M. Gestade <<  |   >>Stanislauskapelle>>

Welcome to the Church am Hof, one of the most historic churches in the city. Built in the 14th century and shaped by the Jesuits, it bears the special name: "Church of the Nine Choirs of Angels." Discover its beauty and the spiritual depth of Vienna’s Croatian Church.


Be like a Guardian Angel!

Everyone can be an angel for others – with a kind word or a helping hand. Light a candle for someone in need of protection or to be a light for others yourself.

How many angels do you see?

Over 300 angels adorn this church. How many can you find? Look closely and let their presence inspire you.

Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

Here you will find important information for the pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral: contact details of the church location, opening hours, the further course of the route to the cathedral, as well as exciting background information and additional links.


Hrvatska katolička misija Beč
Kroatische katholische Mission Wien

Am Hof, Schulhof 1
1010 Wien, Austria

+43 (1) 533 81 36

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via  << Schottenkirche &  Freyung <<
or ...

... or via  << Maria am Gestade <<

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral 
via  >> die Peterskirche &  Stanislauskapelle>>


Which pilgrimages of faith lead to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?