Stephansdom (EN) – The Destination of the Pilgrimage to the Cathedral

Geschrieben am 01.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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Welcome to Stephansdom, Vienna's cathedral

Maria Pócs

St. Stephen’s Cathedral houses the miraculous image of Maria Pócs, named after its place of origin in northeastern Hungary.

Created in 1675, the image became famous in 1696 due to a miracle of tears. Emperor Leopold I brought it to Vienna in 1697, shortly before the imperial troops triumphed at the Battle of Zenta. Since then, it has been regarded as a protective image of Vienna and the Habsburg Empire.


The icon depicts Mary as the "Guide," with Jesus not raising His hand in blessing but instead pointing back to His Mother. This signifies that Jesus Himself directs us to Mary as an intercessor.

Believers are invited to bring their intentions before God here and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.


Dompfarre St. Stephan
+43 1 51552 3530

Opening hours:

7:00- 21:45

6:00 - 21:45