St. Ursula (EN): Today a university, formerly a school and the place of St. Clement’s work

Geschrieben am 25.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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<<Annakirche<<  |  >>Missio-Kapelle>>

Where once the city’s patron saint, Clemens Maria Hofbauer, preached, music is now studied.

(St. Clement is presented in Maria am Gestade.)

Dr. Luise Gruber

* 1912 Wolfsgraben
+ April 30, 1945, Diersbach near Schärding

hoffnungszeugin - A witness of hope


The former Ursuline convent now houses part of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. In the past, it was a school where one student bore witness to her faith in difficult times and died in service to the sick: Luise Gruber.

Dr. Luise Gruber grew up in a religious family in Wolfsgraben and, despite financial hardships, graduated from the Ursuline school. Driven by her desire to help others, she studied medicine and was actively involved in her local parish. Her deep faith shaped both her life and her work as a physician.

During World War II, she came into conflict with the Nazi authorities due to her Catholic convictions and was dismissed in 1943. Nevertheless, she continued to care for those in need. On April 30, 1945, she was killed in an air raid while assisting a patient.



"Our faith gives us the greatest strength and also the spirit of sacrifice for these times..."

A Little Music

Luise enjoyed making music with her family and in her parish—just like the students here today. And so, now, a little music:

Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

glaubensweg zum Dom pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
<< via  Annakirche <<

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
>> via Missio-Kapelle >> 

Which pilgrimages of faith lead to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?