Jesuitenkirche (EN): Jesuit Church: Setting out courageously and hopefully with St. Stanislaus Kostka

Geschrieben am 27.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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<<Missio<<  |  >> DOM via Inigo   <<  |  >>Dominikaner>>

The Jesuit Church in Vienna houses the chapel of St. Stanislaus Kostka, who, despite his family's resistance, resolutely chose the path of the Jesuits. His life was dedicated to deep love for Christ and service to others.


A Remarcable Young Man

After studying in Vienna, St. Stanislaus walked to Rome to follow his ideal: a profound love for Jesus Christ and dedication to humanity. He passed away at just 18 years old on August 15, 1568, and remains an inspiration for young people today.


Visit the chapel,
light a candle,
and let his faith inspire you.


Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

Here you will find important information for the pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral: contact details of the church location, opening hours, the further course of the route to the cathedral, as well as exciting background information and additional links.


Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 1, 1010 Wien
+43 1 5125232-0
Jesuiten in Wien

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
direct to the cathedral  << via  Inigo
 & Stephansplatz  (Zwettlerhof) <<

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via  << Missio-Kapelle <<

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via  >> Dominikanerkirche >>


Which pilgrimages of faith lead to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?