Landesgericht (EN) – Regional Court – where injustice was once carried out

Geschrieben am 09.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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>> KHG/Edith Stein Kapelle <<

Behind rather imposing walls, dating back to the time of the Kaiser, stands a courthouse—a place of justice. And yet, there were times when it was a place of injustice.

The site of execution for countless opponents of National Socialism. The former execution chamber is now a memorial.


Two martyrs,

… who had to give their lives here, are briefly introduced at this spot, in front of the courthouse:
The Tyrolean Walter Caldonazzi and the Viennese Gerhard Fischer-Ledenice.

They exist in all times, and in our days, they may be more numerous than ever, as witnesses to a life that knows no end. We must honor their testimony in order to make our hope fruitful.

Pope Francis in "Spes non confundit“

Also murdered in this building was Blessed Sr. Restituta Kafka (introduced at Karlsplatz).

Walter Caldonazzi

*  June 4, 1916, Mals (South Tyrol)
+ January 9, 1945, Vienna

ein hoffnungszeuge - Witness of Hope



A Resistance Fighter Against the Nazi Regime

Walter Caldonazzi grew up in Tyrol and studied forestry in Vienna. He was involved in Catholic student associations and later worked as a forester. Together with Andreas Hofer, he founded a resistance group that helped soldiers and provided the Allies with information about armament factories.

In 1944, he was arrested by the Gestapo, tortured, and sentenced to death. On January 9, 1945, he was executed at the Vienna Regional Court.

His faith gave him strength until the very end: 


"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!"


Caldonazzi took walks with friends, also to avoid being spied on…

  • How far would you go for your beliefs?
  • What should a Catholic do, and what should he refrain from?

These are questions you can reflect on while walking the "Path of Faith to the Cathedral" with friends or in silent prayer in a church along the way.



Gerhard Fischer-Ledenice

* March 5, 1919, Vienna
+ July 5, 1944, Vienna

Hoffnungszeuge  - Witness of Hope and Waiting


Gerhard Fischer-Ledenice was an Austrian resistance fighter against the Nazi regime. He studied world trade in Vienna and became involved early in the freedom movement.

In 1940, he was arrested, tortured, and repeatedly imprisoned by the Gestapo. In 1943, he was sentenced to death for high treason and executed on July 5, 1944.

His letters testify to deep faith and great courage. In prison, he read the New Testament in Latin: 


"For now, I have no choice but to wait, from today to tomorrow, from tomorrow to the day after... But who nowadays isn't waiting for something? And I pass the time... with Latin and reading... the entire New Testament in Latin."


— a legacy that invites reflection on faith and resistance.



Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via  >> KHG/Edith-Stein-Kapelle <<

Which pilgrimages of faith lead to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?