Ruprechtskirche (EN): Square in Front of St. Rupert’s Church: Remembrance and Hope – A Sign of Peace in Vienna

Geschrieben am 13.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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    <<Dominikaner überMetropol<<  | >>Maria Gestade>>



"Peace is never a finished product. It is up to all of us."

Christoph Cardinal Schönborn



At this place, in front of the ancient and impressive St. Rupert’s Church, people remember the victims of terrorism:


Almighty and merciful God,
grant comfort, peace, and forgiveness.

For all who lost their lives in the terrorist attack in Vienna.
For all who mourn their relatives and friends.

For all who put themselves at risk to help others.
For all who have also been affected by terrorist attacks.

For all who are afraid and feel unsettled.
For all whose worldview has been shaken.
For all who struggle to distinguish between believers and extremists.

For all who place unity above division.
For all who refuse to be provoked but instead become signs of peace.
For all who choose forgiveness over revenge and hatred.

Hear our prayer, merciful and faithful God, and grant comfort, hope, and peace.

(cf. Prayer during the memorial service on November 3, 2020, in St. Stephen’s Cathedral)



On the evening of November 2, 2020, four passersby lost their lives in the attack near Ruprechtsplatz, and more than 20 people were seriously injured. The attacker was stopped and shot by police within minutes. The following day, a memorial and funeral service was held in St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, attended by leading representatives of churches, religious communities, and politics. (Vatican News)




Pope Francis wrote:

"I express my sorrow and shock over the terrorist attack in Vienna and pray for the victims and their families."
He then urgently appealed:

"End the violence! Let us build peace and fraternity together. Only love can extinguish hatred."

Back then in the Ruprechtskirche

On the evening of November 2nd, a prayer evening was held in the Ruprechtskirche, organized by "weil ma glaubn". With great presence of mind, they locked the door at the first gunshots, turned off the lights, and waited on the organ loft for half the night until the police arrived. In front of the church, there was a beach flag:

... It continues!

A song to accompany you on your journey – lyrics and music by one of the evening's protagonists (Constanze C. Huber, 2019):

Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via << Dominikanerkirche & Morzinplatz/Metropol <<

glaubensweg zum Dom |  pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via >> Maria am Gestade >>

Which pilgrimages of faith lead to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?