Peterskirche (EN): St. Peter’s Church: How to Become Holy Through Work…

Geschrieben am 20.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

DE | FR | IT | ES | PL | HR | HU | SK 
<<Hof über Stanislaus<<  |>>DOM über Stephansplatz << |  >>Augustiner>>

The baroque St. Peter’s Church, with its impressive dome, is cared for by Opus Dei. At the side altar, you can see St. Josemaría Escrivá and two blesseds – Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri and Álvaro del Portillo. Their message is timeless: holiness in everyday life through faithful work and lived faith.

Becoming Holy Through Work

This spirituality can be summarized as follows:

  • Try to sanctify your work.
  • Try to sanctify yourself through your work.
  • Try to sanctify others through your work.


Entrust Your Intentions to Them & Take a Prayer Card!


Here and at the exit, you will find prayer cards (available in over 20 languages). Take one and entrust your intentions to these saints.

Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

Here you will find important information for the pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral: contact details of the church location, opening hours, the further course of the route to the cathedral, as well as exciting background information and additional links.


Petersplatz, 1010 Wien
+43 1 5336433 und  +436769414154 (Sprachbox)

glaubensweg zum Dom pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
>> direct via Zwettlerhof <<

glaubensweg zum Dom pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
<< via Kirche am Hof & Stanislauskapelle  << 

glaubensweg zum Dom pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via >> Augustinerkirche >>


Which pilgrimages of faith lead to St. Stephen’s Cathedral?