The Capuchin Church is a Holy Site of the Jubilee 2025, a Jubilee Church.
Pope Francis describes what such a Holy Site is in the Bull for the Holy Year:
The Jubilee Churches along the pilgrimage routes … can become spiritual oases where one finds strength on the journey of faith and drinks from the sources of hope, especially through receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which is the indispensable starting point for a true path of conversion.
An Heiligen Stätten ist man eingeladen
zu Zeiten des Gebetes und des Gottesdienstes,
- zum Empfang des Sakramentes der Versöhnung und
- es besteht die Mäglichkeit einen Ablass zu gewinnen, wie das genannt wird.
Was aber ist der Ablass?
Und wie gewinne ich bei Hl. Stätten und auch sonst einen Ablass?
Papst Franziskus schreibt in der Jubiläums-Bulle:
Wie wir jedoch aus eigener Erfahrung wissen, „hinterlässt die Sünde Spuren“, ... Daher bleiben in unserem schwachen, vom Bösen verführten Menschsein „Folgen der Sünde“. Diese werden durch den Ablass beseitigt, und zwar immer durch die Gnade Christi, der, wie der heilige Paul VI. schrieb, »unser „Ablass“« ist.
How can one gain an indulgence at a Holy Site?
There are two ways to fulfill the prescribed act:
• Attending liturgical celebrations or
• Engaging in silent prayer at Holy Sites.
What is necessary to obtain a plenary indulgence?
To receive a plenary indulgence, the following steps are required:
- Fulfilling the prescribed act
This can be a visit to a Holy Site for prayer or worship,
(but also participation in pious exercises or a specific work of mercy).
- A firm renunciation of all sin
It is important to have the sincere intention to live fully according to God’s will and to detach oneself internally from all sin, even venial sin.
- Fulfilling the three fundamental conditions:
o Confession: A single sacramental confession is sufficient to obtain multiple indulgences if it takes place within about 20 days before or after.
o Receiving the Eucharist: Participation in the Eucharist sacramentally unites us with Jesus Christ.
o Prayer for the intentions of the Pope: For example, reciting a “Creed,” an “Our Father,” and a “Hail Mary” for the Holy Father’s intentions.
Der Ablass lässt uns nämlich entdecken, wie grenzenlos Gottes Barmherzigkeit ist. Es ist kein Zufall, dass einst die Begriffe „Barmherzigkeit“ und „Ablass“ austauschbar waren, eben weil dieser die Fülle der Vergebung Gottes ausdrücken soll, die keine Grenzen kennt …
Pope Franci in „Spes non confundit“
Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.
Here you will find important information for the pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral: contact details of the church location, opening hours, the further course of the route to the cathedral, as well as exciting background information and additional links.
Kapuzinerkloster Wien
Tegetthoffstraße 2
A-1010 Wien
Confession Times
Weekdays: 9:30 – 12:00 and 15:30 – 18:00
(July/August: afternoons only)
Sundays and Holy Days: During Masses.
First Thursday of the month: 18:30 – 20:30, an “Evening of Mercy” with an opportunity for confession.
» And hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. «
Romans 5,5
glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
direct to the cathedral >> via Deutschordenskirche <<
glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via << Augustinerkirche <<
glaubensweg zum Dom | pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via >> Malteserkirche >>