Stanislaus-Kapelle (EN): Stanislaus Chapel: Hidden on the First Floor of a Historic Townhouse

Geschrieben am 19.11.2024
von Niki Haselsteiner

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<<Hof<<  |  >>Peterskirche>>

In this corner house, St. Stanislaus Kostka lived while attending the Jesuit college in Vienna.

His room has now become a chapel, which can be visited during the days around his feast day in November. He is a patron of students and youth.

Reflections from the Prayers of St. Stanislaus Kostka:


This is the way to heaven.
How great is our joy!
Everything we are belongs to the Lord,
and the Lord belongs entirely to us!

We live like the saints in the light,
for in God alone we find all that truly matters.

I was not created for what is fleeting,
but for what is eternal—
this is what I want to live for.



St. Stanislaus Kostka is presented on this path of faith in the Jesuit Church at the Stanislaus Altar.


The prayer has been set to music using AI on


Well-informed, the pilgrimage of faith continues.

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via << Kirche am Hof <<

glaubensweg zum Dom pilgrimage of faith to St Stephen‘s Cathedral
via  >> Peterskirche >>

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